BMW teases up to 12 EV's … and fails

The twelve electric vehicles which BMW announced until 2025, far, far in the future are just hot dust as it looks now, as BMW will just present one more e-car concept on the show…

These „in between i3 and i8“ car – is BMW teasing again the i5? – might be announced on the press conference for the IAA in Frankfurt, next week on the 12th. It is already clear that BMW won’t have more then maximum one other car per year during the next few years to present.
That is fine for a small company – it actually would be even great – but for a large car manufacturer who sells hundreds of thousands of cars per year those so far sold 60.000 i3 within three years and the vague concepts presented for the future sound like a bad joke.
Why BMW is teasing another concept car again – we just got the Mini concept – is just strange, especially with announcements like those future cars (when, in 2025?) will be able to drive a range of up to 700km – probably by the NEFZ standard which would then have to be real-life down calculated and translates into 500km, what actually Tesla cars already do today.
In total this announcement is like very bad PR. You should shut up if you don’t have anything real to show.
Feeling a bit ashamed to live in Munich, where many people are (still?) proud of a company which just produces hot PR air recently, since the core team members for the development of the electric vehicle lineup i3/i8 left the company.