aCar mobility

The Technical University of Munich – TUM – create a new electric vehicle company called aCar mobility which development an e-car optimised for the „rural mobility in developing countries“.

The vehicle is planned to either transport goods or a few people on the back of the truck and two peoples in the front including the driver.
The range of the UTV-like vehicle was announced with 80km. The car with the 20 kWh battery weights 800kg, is 3,7m x 1,5m large and 2,1 m height.
A Prototyp was already produced and tested during the month of July in Ghana, a second further optimised prototype will be presented at the IAA in Frankfurt next month (12th-15th of September 2017, Hall 4.1, Stand A11).
A mini-series with about 10 cars is planned for the upcoming year, full production should be planned with 100 vehicles/year starting 2019.