Amazon Truck von Rivian

Amazon hat in einem Blog-Beitrag weitere Details zu seinem Custom Truck, made by Rivian veröffentlicht.

„Amazon’s custom electric“ soll hierbei folgende Features bieten:

  • State-of-the-art sensor detection, a suite of highway and traffic assist technology, and a large windshield to enhance driver visibility.
  • Exterior cameras around the vehicle that are linked to a digital display inside the cabin, giving the driver a 360-degree view outside the vehicle.
  • Alexa integration for hands-free access to route information and the latest weather updates.
  • A strengthened door on the driver’s side for additional protection.
  • A “dancefloor” inside the driver’s cabin for easy movement inside the van.
  • Bright tail lights surrounding the rear of the vehicle to easily detect braking.
  • Three levels of shelving with a bulkhead door, which can easily be opened and closed for additional driver protection while on the road.

Der Truck wird angeblich 2021 auf amerikanischen Strassen fahren, Angaben über Reichweite des Trucks wurden noch nicht definiert.


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